Monday, September 23, 2013


Sept. 23, 2013
Today Historic Nauvoo played host to the Illinois Supreme Court, as they presented an analysis of "Habias Corpus and the Courts:  Individual Liberties from Joseph Smith to Abraham Lincoln",
All day there were historical presentations by LDS and non-mormon scholars  in 11 different sites around town,  regarding the legal problems Joseph Smith had with the courts of 1840's, particularly as Missouri kept trying to extradite Joseph to Missouri to stand trial for perceived broken laws.  Had they been successful Joseph, for sure, would have been murdered the minute he crossed the Mississippi River.
This evening there was a presentation by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Twelve. He spoke for over an hour on the legal issues entitled "Behind the Extraditions: Joseph Smith, the Man and the Prophet.  Tickets were very scarce, but Sis. Ririe was on her post as Tickets and Tours the day the tickets came available, and she got us tickets in the same theater where he was speaking.   There were so many requests for tickets, that they transmitted by closed circuit to the other theater in the Visitor Center and then into the Stake Center which was almost full.
 We were thrilled with our seats as we were sitting on the third row amongst all the dignitaries, in fact we were sitting right next to Olene Walker, past govenor of Utah.  We had a good conversation with her and her husband.  Also present were several past Governors of Illinois and Utah (Gov Herbert was there), and a bunch of Judges and attorneys.
Elder Oaks gave a masterful talk, testifying of the Prophetic calling of Joseph and quoting many very intellectual  statements made by Joseph regarding the Constitution of the U..S. and its divinely inspired contents.  He presented Joseph in very believable fashion.  I hope all the non-members were as impressed as we were.
A very good evening!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Lovely Scottish Connection in Carthage

     Dad and I were serving in Carthage on Monday, when a beautiful couple came in and wanted a tour.  We showed the 18 minute film, which is special in itself..He was a big fellow with an interesting speech impediment.  I notices hearing aids (too young for that), so then I figured he was hearing impaired, and his wife was a beautiful blond from Aberdeen, Scotland...(she knew right where Inverurie was, where Dad's  ancestors were from)  They really seemed to enjoy the tour, and in the martyrdom room they were really moved by the spirit..So touching...She proceed to share their story with me.
     She saw a Book of Mormon at her sister's home in a drawer tucked away...she pulled it out and read the testimony of Joseph Smith, about the first vision and something stirred inside, she really wanted to know more.  She proceeded to read the Book of Mormon and actually had a testimony of it before she ever took a lesson.  Finally she had missionaries teach her and she decided to be baptized...But she knew that her family would disown her if she did.  Her father had a falling out with a brother and hadn't spoken with him for over 40 years...she was petrified to tell them...and yes they did disown her.  She hadn't been baptized yet, but was at the church to play volleyball with other young adults, when she saw her (to be husband) in the hall way.  She said their eyes locked and everything became silent and she knew he was going to be hers eventually.!!!  He had the same experience...They only spoke a few words to each other...but later she had him baptize her..Then he was transferred.  She had to move out of her home.  They wrote when he got home and he invited her to America to meet his family...her family heard about that and the father and mother forgave her and had her come back home before she went to America.
      They have raised a beautiful family, and the Grandparents say there must be something good about this religion to raise such wonderful children...We talked about the amazing pioneers who sacrificed all for the gospel, but she is a modern day pioneer who sacrificed her whole family for the Gospel...The Lord blessed her, and many of her family members have joined the church and the parents hearts are surely softened.  We have experiences like this daily...Wonderful, faithful people who who love the Gospel and are here to gain strength from the Saints who came before...Wow!  I love this mission!  G'ma

Monday, September 9, 2013

Another wonderful day in Paradise

Sept. 9, 2013
We have just had  two of the most wonderful days!
Last evening we completed our performance in Rendezvous and as usual, we stand outside the Cultural Hall as the visitors leave, and we talk to them out on the street. A couple came out and started talking to us, thanking us for the play.  They seemed like they wanted to talk and we talked for almost a half hour, as they opened up about their lives.  The husband had  lost his wife (death) and became very bitter, but recently re- married and decided to come to Nauvoo, on a "fluke" (as in inspiration, I believe).  They had visited several sites and came to Rendezvous, capping off a wonderful day of change in his life.  He had to sit out of the Temple (worthiness), while his wife went through a session, and he has felt such a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Ghost here in Nauvoo, that he is now completely changing.  While attending our play, he wept as he felt the spirit of all us old people telling him through the Spirit to change his life, because life is so worthwhile, if you don't fight, but FOLLOW  the Spirit.

Then today we were assigned to Carthage Jail to give tours all day.   What a wonderful experience that is!!!
Sis. Ririe and I gave several tours together and separately by ourselves as there were so many people coming for tours.  Let me tell you:  that Martyrdom room is a powerful conduit for the Spirit of God to witness to each person that comes with a desire for it.  We felt it very strongly on every tour.  Bearing my testimony so much here in this mission  has strengthened me to the point that I can actually get through tours with only a couple of melt-downs of emotion as the Spirit is so strong. It is wonderful to see the changes that occur with people as they progress through the Jail,  and as they enter  the experience in the Martyrdom room, they soften into a person of faith.
Joseph Smith was and is such a perfect example of everything that we should be in our lives.  My study of his life and teachings has changed me greatly.  He faced such heavy trials everyday of his life, and yet he was so buoyant and optimistic about life in spite of everything;, he is everything I want to be.  He truly was the greatest of all Prophets who ever lived.  Walking along the same streets and in the same buildings that he did makes us feel so humble and fortunate.  What a blessing Nauvoo has become in our lives.  LIFE-CHANGING!!!

Sis. Ririe and I are District Leaders, and are to give the prayers at the upcoming Leadership Training Meeting next week with Elder Robert C. Gay of the Seventy, when he comes to our mission.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My big brother, Donny

My brother Donny
The shock of my life happened on August 3rd, when I was about to go to the Pendleton Log School and Home, when my phone rang and my brother Bill was calling to tell me that my brother Don had just experienced a major stoke...oh my!  I had to sit down...I never expected this...He was my oldest brother, but not that old, only 79!  By that evening he was gone.  I cried a folly of tears...then I realized he passed the way he really wanted...quickly!  I loved him so much and remember his legacy he left was that of service.  I asked anyone in the audience to raise their hand if they had ever had Donny fix anything for them...Almost everyone raised their hand!  He was always willing and able to help anyone who showed up on his porch!  I want to grow up to be just like him...I love you Donny!
Love this quote.  Dr. Seuss really gets it!
It was a beautiful day and wonderful reunion with family to celebrate Donny!

Rendezvous Cast (some of us!)

Craig being the curtain puller (a position he coveted)

Me being a prompter...both of us behind the scenes..which works for us!

Elder and Sister Jardine
I never want to forget these people!  They are amazing..from Denver, Colorado  They play the part of George and Agatha in Rendezvous!  Love them!

Elder and Sister Mengel
These two are wonderful!  They play our part of Peter and cute!  She is over the sewing room here and he works in FM, but has taken the Old Nauvoo Cemetery under his wing and cleans the headstones and plots where people's graves are located..Great People!
Elder and Sister Mayne
Aren't they darling?...They also play George and Agatha in Rendezvous..What a great couple, they are from Weatherby, Missouri.  Ranchers and the salt of the earth...They are so fun....We're going to the Rodeo with them this week!  Love those two!
Elder and Sister Stringham
I love these two...He serves in the sites and she is over housing...She is my walking buddy! and my inspiration..she always is happy and of my best friends here in Nauvoo!  They are from Kimmerer, Wyoming....Love them!
Elder and Sister Gillespie
I'll never forget these two...She is a riot!  Full of vim and vinegar!  Always up for a party...she is actually our social chairman...(self appointed) Ha!  They play Noah and Sophia in Rendezvous!  They are from Highland, we should keep in touch when we get home!!
Elder and Sister Thompson
This is a perfect couple!  Classy lady and a great man...I love them..They are such hard workers, they do all of the watering of the plants here in Old Nauvoo and up on the bluff as well...They are so gracious..they drove all the way to St. Louis to pick us up when we had to go to Arizona...We absolutely love them.  They are from or will be from Virgin, Utah.  They are homeless right now and are going to build a home there!
They are Cast managers!  Awesome people!

Nauvoo Miracle

Vibeke and Anne Hansen....A special experience with these two!
Vibeke  (the mom), had just been baptized in Denmark before coming to Nauvoo to visit a friend who read the Book of Mormon with her on Skype.  That friend was Susan Stanton from Nauvoo First Ward.  Vibeke is a special lady with a burning testimony.  Her daughter, Anne had not been baptized and was hesitant to go to church with her mom and Susan, so they came to Old Nauvoo, the Blacksmith shop, while Elder Ririe and I were serving there on a Sunday afternoon.  I felt an immediate connection with them and told them all about the wheelwright, then Elder Ririe came in to take them to the Blacksmith shop and when he walked in, they gasped!  they thought he looked like he came from Scandinavia for sure!  (He does kind of look like that)  When I introduced them, I mentioned that Vibeke had just been baptized, but not Anne, and he shook her hand and said "but she will be soon!"   Wow, that was pretty bold...but I think there was a great spirit there.  Anne has an amazing story.  
She had just had surgery on her back for scoliosis...they put hardware in to straighten her back and she had grown 4 inches in 7 hours!  They gave her the clearance to travel from Denmark, but by the time she got here, she had Staph infection. She had to go to Iowa City to the Dr..  She had a blessing before she went and in the blessing the elder commanded all the foreign matter to leave her body, we were thinking that was the infection, ..but the Dr's determined they needed  to have all the hardware taken out and replaced, and it cleaned out!  Major surgery.  (When she woke up from the surgery, the first thing she told her mom was that she wanted to go back to the Blacksmith shop)..she is really a trooper....but that's not all...she was given medication with the wrong label and she was unknowlingly taking blood thinners as pain medication..Oh NO!  She became very weak and really almost died...she spent a few days in the hospital, and came home with IV antibiotics for a couple weeks and is now back in Denmark, doing well and going to school!  So happy for the miracle and the health that was given her...I will always remember her and pray she will eventually remember the feeling she had in the Blacksmith's shop, and come unto Christ!  Vibeke and I still communicate and will see each other this Christmas...She is coming back!  Yay!