Sunday, September 1, 2013

My big brother, Donny

My brother Donny
The shock of my life happened on August 3rd, when I was about to go to the Pendleton Log School and Home, when my phone rang and my brother Bill was calling to tell me that my brother Don had just experienced a major stoke...oh my!  I had to sit down...I never expected this...He was my oldest brother, but not that old, only 79!  By that evening he was gone.  I cried a folly of tears...then I realized he passed the way he really wanted...quickly!  I loved him so much and remember his legacy he left was that of service.  I asked anyone in the audience to raise their hand if they had ever had Donny fix anything for them...Almost everyone raised their hand!  He was always willing and able to help anyone who showed up on his porch!  I want to grow up to be just like him...I love you Donny!
Love this quote.  Dr. Seuss really gets it!
It was a beautiful day and wonderful reunion with family to celebrate Donny!

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