Sunday, January 19, 2014

Today we are serving together at the Lucy Mack Smith home.  When Joseph Noble left to go west, Brigham Young purchased his home and had it deeded to Lucy Mack Smith.  He wanted to take care of Mother Smith and provided her with a home and a carriage.  Her daughter Lucy and her husband Arthur Millilken lived with Lucy in this home for a few years.  Lucy had arthritis and was unable to go west with the Saints.

Here is Mom sitting on a little bench..she calls it a "time out bench"  (Ha)  This is upstairs where the rest of the family slept!
Because Lucy had arthritis, she couldn't go upstairs, so this is called a lying in room...a small sleeping area right in the kitchen and living area...I can just see her enjoying being in the middle of things, with the cooking and children playing around her..a great idea..She was a tiny lady, Becky could just fit in that tiny bed!
There is a great spirit in this house.  Lucy was an amazing woman...never lost faith in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, or in the fact that her son was truly a prophet of God who translated the Book of Mormon by the power of the Holy Ghost.  
Looking out the front door of the Lucy Mack Smith home is this house right across the street.  This is where the General Authorities stay when in Nauvoo...Which is pretty often actually.  It is humble, but nice and built in the style of the day.  
This stairway is the most steep in Nauvoo, it's like climbing a wonder Lucy never went up there.  Her daughter and her family had rooms upstairs to sleep and a living room area...cute little cozy house.

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