Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's a small world (no, Dorothy, we're not in Disneyland anymore)

It' a small world;,--- being a member of the Church!
     Today I was in the Brickyard site. A young couple came in for a tour.  I always  ask where they are from and what brings them to  Nauvoo, so I can  evaluate whether they are members or non members of the Church.  If they are non members I can be more "formal" so they don't think I am the goofball that I am, and if they are members I can be more "relaxed".
They said they were from Idaho. I asked if they were from Ririe, Idaho, and they said no, but Rexburg, and seeing my Missionary Name Tag, asked if I knew a Ririe at BYU.  I said "yawhatsitoya". No, I didn't say that.
    We started a long conversation of how he had "brother Ririe", for microbiology at BYU-I and how much he loved that class.  He said one of the best classes he had there. That Seth took such an interest in the students and wanted to help them learn. He said that brother Ririe is an excellent teacher. He said it was one of the more difficult classes, but he did ok (he said he got an A minus) and learned so much.  Even though it was hard, he respected Seth a great deal and even asked him for a letter of recommendation for his application to Dental School, which Seth did.  It must have been a good letter because he was accepted to the University of South Carolina and was passing through Nauvoo with his wife and three small children, on their way to South Carolina.  His name is Thayne Dawson. I really enjoyed visiting with this great little family.
I had another young couple come in for a tour, and found them to come from Cedar Hills. I said me too, well sort of, Pleasant Grove. They said they live on Canyon Road. I said me too. Where?  They told me and I said where is that in relation to the small red sign that says Irish clogging lessons.  They said right next door north.  I told them we were the orchard right at 2600.  They were so excited and said how they go past that every day and just love seeing it. The wife said she just went past it the day before,  and it was in full bloom and how beautiful it is. that made me homesick, and envious of Kristen and Steve, being there and how grateful I am for them taking such good care of it for us.
    Mom was at the Pendleton Log Schoolhouse and they came there after coming through my tour, and was talking to them about the juice press. They said they have driven past and saw it both last fall and the fall before and were wondering : What is going on there!
     I am finding that there are a lot of people that know a lot of people, that know a lot of people, that intertwine to where we all are really just part of a really big wonderful family, called the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  (whether they are member of the Church or not) ----all brothers and sisters,--- and we all have an effect on each other ---usually more than we know!

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