Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday School lesson

Well!!  TWO DOWN;  ZERO TO GO!!!!
I did my lesson last week and today, Becky gave her lesson in our  "General Authority" Sunday School Gospel Doctrine class.  And all 400 of them were there!  And now we can relax as there are no more talks or lessons for us to give --at least for awhile, I guess.
Her lesson was wonderful!  I had at least ten people come up to me saying things like "she sure raised the bar for the rest of us in our future lessons".  She was her typical old "R. S. Pres."  self, bubbly, ingraciating, witty, and downright interesting, teaching the Plan of Salvation.
We are not totally off the hook, in that we have been assigned to learn a part in the Rendezvous play, doing the part of Peter and Abigail. I am really worried about it because it has a lot of memorization, and I'm sure I will blow it on stage.
I have also been called to be the assistant site leader for the Brickyard site.  The site leader is going home in 3 months and I hope they don't call me to replace him when he leaves, because it is a big job, making all the bricks that we give to the guests, and managing  all the tours given there by the missionaries.
      Today, after Church, Becky and I were assigned together at the Sarah Granger Kimball  home. We don't get to serve together much, so it was a real treat, especially at that important place.  I will let her tell about it.
       Hello Family and friends!...Yes, dad wants me to share a little about the Sarah Granger Kimball home...It is one of my favorite homes to serve in, as it is one of the oldest homes in was built in the early 1830s, before the saints really immigrated here.  Sarah met Hiram Kimball in Kirtland, Ohio...He was about 12 years older than her and a very successful businessman...he owned this house and after they married they moved to what was then Commerce...(the name of the little town before it was changed to Nauvoo)...Hiram was a good man, but not a member of the church...The important thing about this home is that when Sarah lived there she had hired a seamstress to sew for her and one day they were working on some sewing together in her parlor and Sarah mentioned that she really wanted to help with the temple in some way and so did her seamstress..Sister Cook, but she had no means to donate to it.  Sarah said she had the means and Sis. Cook had the skills to sew, so she bought material and sister cook made shirts for the men who were building the Temple...They invited a few other ladies to help with the plan..and soon thought that they should get organized into a ladies society..Sarah wrote the constitution (we served today in the very room this occurred in) and took it to Joseph to see what he thought...He took it to the Lord and said that it was acceptable to the Lord, but the Lord had something better for them...It would be organized under the priesthood and after the manner of the Priesthood.. With a President and counselors and a secretary...
      Just about 2 weeks after Sarah had taken the idea to Joseph, she and  the women met in the red brick store to organize the "Female Relief Society of Nauvoo" on March 17th. 1842....With Emma Smith as President, and Eliza R. Snow as secretary...we always hear about them and little about Sarah....She had no problem about Emma being President...always supported the Relief Society...never any jealousy or angst..she was humble and simply saw a need and wanted to be charitable and serve...I love her...There are some really interesting stories about her I'll share in another blog..just know that she was a little spunk and a real Woman's Sufferrage advocate....Stay tuned in for the "rest of the story"!   Here are some pictures of her home..It was continuously lived in and is still in amazing shape...In the basement you can even see the logs that are the floor joists with ax marks and bark still on them...Amazing!

This house is surrounded by a flower garden of amazing Peony's and Iris's

Sarah had a perfect view of the temple going up in the distance!

1 comment:

  1. I can't decide which is better two or the Peonys!
