Sunday, June 9, 2013

Giraud-Carrier Family visit to Nauvoo

Pierre GC at the pulpit in the Seventy's Hall

What a treat it was to have the GC's come for a visit to Nauvoo!  The Seventy's hall is still in use today for missionary work and meetings with General Authorities...It was the first MTC!  Pierre shared his testimony of missionary work..they are truly a missionary family and we were blessed to have them here, along with Isabelle's parents from France.  A senior missionary from here, who is a teamster, took them on their own special wagon tour in French..he served his mission 40 years ago to Quebec, Canada, which is also where Samuel is serving...speaking Chinese!!? Go figure!  Elder Lybbert (who was the Sr. missionary) said he was blessed with the gift of tongues...since he hasn't spoken that much since his mission!...Kind of special for all of them.  They stayed in a historic home right on main street...I think they found out about it from the Taggart' convenient to everything! 

Look at that spectacular rainbow over the temple...we took the picture from Sarah Granger Kimball's home and it is quite a ways from the temple, but what a sight!

        Same day after the rainbow disappeared ...Isn't that glorious?...This is such a beautiful place!  We do love it here.  Got some exciting news from Annie Kozlowski ( my college roommate) is coming for a wedding here in Nauvoo! in July....Will be fun to have her for a few days!  Hoping to see some of you this summer ...please know you are welcome to stay with us...(in our small, humble, basement apartment)..but we have a pull out couch and plenty of floor space.(and we can get a areo bed)...
       The BYU Folk dancers are here for two weeks and they put on a fireside tonight that was amazing!  Such strong testimonies and wonderful talents..There is a girl from Pleasant Grove who plays the fiddle for Mountain Strings, who are here with the Folk Dancers...She shreds the fiddle like no other...if you ever get to hear them...don't miss it...what a group.  Life is busy, but we love it. The Spirit here is so strong...Joseph consecrated this place, so that explains alot. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a perfect answer for the problems plaguing this world today...We just need to open our hearts to hear, listen, and feel...and be willing to follow His perfect plan...We love you all...Elder and Sister Ririe!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those pictures are fabulous! When I clicked on each one, it came up full screen and they are magnificent! Thanks for sharing!
