Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.0

Wednesday, June 26, 1844
During breakfast, jailer Stigall told the Prophet that runners had been sent to all the nearby counties and across the river into Missouri the week previous in an attempt to build an army to attack Nauvoo, but Joseph's move in calling out the Nauvoo Legion and declaring martial law had  caused the mobs to think twice and abandon their plan to attack then.
After breakfast Stigall had the men take over his own bedroom up stairs to make them more comfortable.

There is much written of this day, and therefore it would be redundant to recount it all, but one item that is often not mentioned was that a man named Royal Southwick from Texas, was in town to see Joseph Smith, and came to Carthage. He was in the Hamilton Hotel this afternoon, and being a stranger, no one knew who he was.  Later this evening he would visit the Prophet and tell him that he had been sitting in a public room at the hotel, when in walked a large group of men, including Gov. Ford, and started a meeting.  It appeared that they thought he was there for the meeting, as well as the others who were also from out of town. Their discussion centered around Gov. Ford, saying that they were all very concerned about Joseph's political ambitions and stated that his views were catching on in the rest of the country like wildfire and that if he did not win the Presidential election this year it was almost certain that he would the next election. Therefore, he must be stopped.  They said to Gov. Ford, we have got him here now and you must make sure he is stopped.  Gov. Ford stated, you can consider it done.  I have it all arranged.  As it turns out, there were present in this meeting in Carthage, a delegate from every state in the Union, save three states!  There was more going on than just religious intolerance. This was also a deliberate  political assassination in the making. (see Dalin H. Oaks, Carthage Conspiracy, p.6)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Tuesday, June 25, 1844
The "legal charades" began.
Sunrise, Gov. Ford assembled all the various militias in the town square, 2 blocks from the Carthage jail.
He had called up 7 or 8 of the town militias from the surrounding area.  Most of them were "indifferent" about the situation, i.e. they were curious, but not committed in hatred towards the Mormons, and were perhaps to be considered "loyal" to their leaders, who seemed to be interested in defending true justice, whatever that was.  The Carthage Grays were pure "trash" led by Captain Robert F. Smith, who was also the Justice of the Peace in Carthage and was a true accomplice to Gov. Ford in this matter.  The Warsaw militia was composed almost entirely of the most vicious of the mobs against the Mormons, stirred up continuously by Thomas Sharp, editor of the Warsaw Signal. The Warsaw militia was so disorganized and undisciplined that they weren't yet in Carthage, perhaps at Gov. Ford's request(?).
Gov. Ford announce to all present that Joseph and Hyrum were "dangerous men and guilty of all that would be charged against them, still they were in the hands of the law, which must have its course."
(The Gov. now acted as judge and jury and before the week was over would play his part as executioner as well.)
9 a.m. Joseph and all the 24 accused were paraded before the militia.
Then some of the officers of the various militias interviewed Joseph in the Hamilton House, which is a very interesting meeting but too lengthy for here.
Late afternoon was held the first hearing (for a "riot" in the case of the Expositor )  in the Courthouse, which was a "farce". It was supposed to be under the Justice that issued the original order, a judge Morrison of Carthage, but at the last minute Gov. Ford replaced him with none other than Robert F. Smith, the most virulent Mormon hater. They did release all but Joseph and Hyrum, who were charged again by Robert Smith on a treason charge. and demanded they be "violently put in jail immediately".  Gov. Ford and Robert Smith left the room immediately...John Taylor was so outraged that he almost chased Gov. Ford into his quarters, giving him a legal tongue lashing, due of his setting aside of all legal protocol.
About 10 stayed with Joseph in jail.
They were first put into the criminals cell at the top of the stairway.
After a very short time the jailor, George Stigall compassionately  disregarded the sheriff's order and moved them downstairs to the debtors apartment.
The ten men spent the night there.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Becky and I attended the Temple this morning, before our service today at the Family Living Center and the Brigham Young Home.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Monday, June 24, 1844      As I begin writing this, Monday, June 24, 2013, it is 6:10 a. m..  Joseph is about to come out of the Mansion House to join the members of the City Council (some 24 men)who will travel with him to Carthage.  He will come out of his house in 20 minutes (6:30), dressed in his Nauvoo Militia  military uniform, mount up on his horse and they will all start going north on Main St.  They will turn east on Mulholand St, and will stop at the Temple to look at it (it is now finished up to the level of the circle windows), and to look over the City below and comment: "This is the loveliest place and the best people under the heavens; little do they know the trials that await them."
They will then continue east on Mulholand and stop again at the home (the original home, above)of Squire Daniel Wells, a non-member  Justice of the peace and say goodbye to him "Squire Wells, I wish you to cherish my memory, and not think me the worst man in the world either."  (He later will join the Church and become a counselor to Brigham Young in Utah).

He will continue again east and cross south to Parley St. and continue east until he comes to a small stream just west of the burial ground and after crossing the stream will turn  right, taking the road along the stream ( this road is still here today, just as it was in 1844, and is the only part of the original  Nauvoo road remaining today).
This road continues a little less than a mile, curving its way along the stream and up onto the prairie farmlands to continue on to Carthage.
As it gets up onto the prairie it now dissapears. In about 1850 the local farmers petitioned the State to realign all county roads to go along their farm property lines, instead of the diagonal, the way the original road did to Carthage.  The rest of the road was obliterated from this point on, until just before it enters Carthage.
Joseph again stopped to see his farm for what he thought would be his last.  (Above, is the actual Joseph Smith Farm house, still standing, on his farm property, now owned by non members. The rear portions were later added to the original front part.)
At ten a. m., and four miles from Carthage, was the Albert G. Fellows farm, and at that point the group saw a company of 60 militia (called up by Gov. Ford), under the command of Captain Dunn coming to meet them. Some in the group were frightened to which Joseph counselled: "Do not be alarmed, bretheren, for they cannot do more to you than the enemies of truth did to the ancient saints - -- they can only kill the body".
The Carthage road is in the foreground and and the little road is the driveway that goes back to the house. 
This is the driveway. The house in the back is today a private, more modern home that was rebuilt on the same place as the original, that was then owned by Fellows, a member of the Church. 
They went inside the farm house to talk with Captain Dunn, who was sent to disarm the entire Nauvoo legion.  They told Joseph  he would have to return with them, as they felt the Legion would not relenquish their guns with out Joseph being with them.
Joseph, of course now knew very well how these events would conclude and knew it was futile to attempt any other course,  and did not even argue.
The entire group returned to Nauvoo and Joseph went home to Emma, Lucy and the family one last time, while Capt. Dunn collected all the arms.
When  they again left Nauvoo, Joseph had changed out of his military uniform, since the Nauvoo militia was now disbanded.  They left about 4 p.m.and arrived in Carthage at midnight, staying in the Hamilton Hotel.
There are a great many interesting events that occurred today that are not included here, such as Joseph talking to several bretheren about the trip they would be making west to the rocky mountains, saying he would not go with them, as he would be dead within the week.  Emma was now realizing the same thing.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Martyrdom (cont)

Sunday, June 23, 1844
This morning at about 2 am, Joseph and Hyrum  began to carry out a plan they devised, to go west, by going down Water St. from the Mansion house to Aaron Johnson's home (which is still standing today in 2013 on its same location) and they borrowed his rowboat.  Porter Rockwell rowed them across the Mississippi river to Montrose. (We have a senior missionary now here in our mission district, who is a direct descendant  of Aaron Johnson).
This is a most interesting account, but too lengthy to recite here.  Suffice it to say, that some were calling Joseph a coward, when they found him gone later this morning. Even Emma was party to this plea, for him to come back, and face what would come.  It is now, that he makes the famous statement: "If my life is of no value to my friends, then it is of none to myself."
He returned to Nauvoo this afternoon, but he was now a "different man", resigned to his fate. From that point   on, he was not the boyant,  optimistic person that he used to be.  Those around him definitely noticed this change.
He then, will, this afternoon, write a letter to Gov. Ford saying that he would come to Carthage tomorrow, Monday, June 24, 1844.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Saturday, June 22, 1844
John Taylor and John Bernhisel, met with Governor Ford, but it was not a private meeting that they expected. Instead the Gov. allowed about 20 other men to  attend as well.  John Taylor describes them as " some of the vilest and unprincipled men in creation. .. . .  .recreant to virtue, honor, integrity, and everything that is considered honorable among men".
As they tried to give their side, they were constantly heckled and interrupted  "in the rudest manner and foul language".  Throughout, Gov. Ford sat "straight faced in silence", without any effort to curb the interruptions.
Gov. Ford then pushed the affidavits aside, and demanded the Joseph and the others responsible come to Carthage and surrender to the Sheriff who had issued the original warrant.
John Taylor warned the Governor that he would be putting these men's lives in danger if they came.  The Governor "pledged his faith as governor, and the faith of the state, that he would guarantee our perfect safety". He made them wait over 4 hrs, while he wrote a letter  for them to take to Joseph.
It was late tonight that they returned to Nauvoo to report to Joseph.  He gathered some of his closest associates to discuss what to do.  Reading the letter,  he stated "there is no mercy, no mercy here".  "If I and Hyrum are ever taken again we will be massacred, or I am not a Prophet of God".
They met until early tomorrow morning.

Martyrdom (cont.)

Friday, June 21, 1844  --
Governor Ford arrived today in Carthage.  The first thing he did was activate the town militias under his command from all the surrounding communities in the County.
Next he wrote Joseph Smith and requested that one or more "well informed persons who will be capable of laying before me your version of the matter" come to Carthage immediately.
The two selected to go were John Taylor and John Bernhisel.  They arrived at the Hamilton Hotel late in the evening and spent the night with pistols under their pillows.
Friday, June 21, 2013.
Today, we went to Iowa City for the first time.  Went to Costco, visited a colleague of mine at the Univ. of Iowa Dental School who is the head of the Grad Perio Department, and went to the Mormon Handcart Park which is on the Univ. of Iowa campus. This was the staging area for building the handcarts and getting everyone outfitted as they got off the train in Iowa City, from 1856 through 1860.  It is a nice small park with "reader boards" describing the campsites, cemetery,  and how they left for Utah.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Wednesday, June 19, 1844
Today, the day of the planned attack came and went without incident.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Today, Tuesday, June 18, 1844
Joseph Smith, acting in his official capacity as Lt. General of the Nauvoo Legion decided that the best way to avoid a confrontation of the planned attack on the city, was to demonstrate a "show of force", hoping that spies from the mobs would see it and think twice about coming against the city tomorrow.
Today, he assembled the entire Nauvoo Legion, some 3,000, in full uniform on the block across the street from the Mansion house.  He stood on some scaffolding and address the troops for an hour and a half, saying among other things: "Greater love hath no man than that he should lay down his life for his friends.  You have stood by me in the hour of trouble, and I am willing to sacrifice my life for your preservation."

Today, Tuesday, June 18, 2013
This was a special day. Vibeka Hansen, the mother of our investigator, was baptized in Denmark in April.  While here in Nauvoo she has wanted to do baptisms for the dead but didn't know how to go about it. She was walking down the street near the Temple the other day and the Stake President drove past her and recognized her as the lady he had seen at Church last Sunday, and the Spirit told him to stop and talk to her. He pulled over and talked to her and found out of her desire to do baptisms, before she goes back to Denmark this week.  He took her and called her Bishop in Denmark on the phone, and told her he would have her recommend at the Temple Desk today.  Sis. Ririe got off her shift in "tickets and tours" a little early and picked her up at her home and she told her of this experience. Dubiously, she took her to the Temple and sure enough, there was her recommend for baptisms at the Recommend Desk. They went in and performed several baptisms. Wonderful things continue to happen here! We then had her and her daughter, Anne over for dinner.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Masrtyrdom (cont)

Sunday, June 16, 1844
In spite of all of the very stressful circumstances of these days, Joseph still dedicated himself to observing the Sabbath.  He gave his usual Sunday discourse at the Grove by the Temple.  Excerpts may be found in the Priesthood/Relief Society manual Teachings of the Presidents of the Church --Joseph Smith, p. 220, middle of the page starting "Go and read the vision. . . , and p. 222, middle of the page starting with "they who obtain. . . and p. 510 top of the page starting with "it is in the order. . . .
His talk was interrupted by a heavy rainstorm.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013
Today was our preparation day.   It was rather busy, in that this morning I spend working in an archaeology dig here in Nauvoo.  The Smith family organization, which is composed of decendents of both Joseph and Hyrum Smith  (both the LDS and the Community of Christ Churches),  have commissioned and funded a "dig" to excavate the spot where Joseph Smith Senior lived across the street from the Mansion House.  They will be working only for a month on it.   I found two old rusty nails and a few chips of window glass.  So far they have found a foundation and assorted pieces of pottery,  and other small stuff.
This afternoon we spent working with our investigator.  Becky will share our temple experience with Vicki Williamson.  This was a wonderful day!

Preparation Day Experience (Once in a Mission)

Many of you might know Vicki Williamson...these pictures are of her, her Mother and two girls...Aren't they beautiful women?! We were able to share a very special experience with them on Friday.  Her husband passed away a few years ago in a tragic accident.  She has been preparing for a long time to have the sealing done for her to her husband...she and her husband had a very special connection with she wanted the sealing to be done here in the temple....we were privileged to attend the sealing and Craig was able to serve as proxy for her husband...we felt so honored that they would include us!...Thanks to Joyce Huntsman and Heidi Woahn were were able to make that connection and be a part of this special 

From the steps of the Temple, with the statues of Joseph and Hyrum in the background...and the mighty Missippi!

We get to do a variety of things here in Nauvoo..On Monday I worked for FM  (facilities management) in the gardens!..We are filthy, but we had so much fun cutting back chives...we are holding bouquets of chives with their purple blossoms....I couldn't get the onion small out of my hands for 5 days! (you know Craig hated that!)  That trailer is full of chives from the herb garden next to the Lyon Drug.

Martyrdom (cont.)

Friday, June 14, 1844 ---Friday, June 14, 2013
Tom Sharp published this in his Warsaw Signal today:  ". . .we must resolutely carry the war into the enemy's camp, we hold ourselves in readiness to cooperate with our fellow citizens in this state, Missouri and Iowa to exterminate, utterly exterminate, the wicked and abominable Mormon leaders. . ."
This is, after all, what the anti-Mormons were really hoping for: expel the Mormons from the state and confiscate all their property.
Sharp further published:  "We are informed by gentlemen direct from Carthage that the citizens are ordered to assemble at their various places of rendezvous on Wednesday next."
The Alton Illinois Telegraph posted this note of the planned attack,  "Our latest intelligence from Nauvoo is down to Tuesday evening. It is reported that about one thousand persons were assembled, in arms, at Carthage and Warsaw, and designed  making an attack upon Nauvoo on Wednesday."

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

June 12, Wednesday, 1844 ---June 12 Wednesday, 2013
(I wanted to post this yesterday, but our computers were down all day.)
While Joseph was in his office today, he was interupted by Sherrif David Bettisworth, from Carthage who had come to arrest him and take him to Carthage.  Joseph knew is rights and stated the law allowed him to go before any Justice of the peace in the county. He asked the others in the room to witness that Bettisworth had sought to abridge the law.  He then went to Esq. Aaron Johnson and was, of course aquitted from the trumpt up charge of "spontaneously instigating a public riot".  Sheriff Bettisworth returned to Carthage a very angry but helpless man.

June 13, Thursday, 1844  ---June 13, Thursday, 2013
Bettisworth, having returned to Carthage without Joseph, further infuriated the mob and there was now talk of  an attack on Nauvoo.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Martyrdom Trail (cont.)

Tuesday, June 11, 1844 ---today: Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The owners of the Expositor immediately went to Carthage and started an arrest warrant against the Mayor, City Council and the Marshal of Nauvoo.
Tom Sharp in the Warsaw Signal published today, Tuesday, June 11, 1844:  "The Expositor press was destroyed. We have only to state that this is sufficient! War and extermination is inevitable!  Citizens, Arise, One and All!!! Can you stand by and suffer such Infernal Devils! To rob  men of their property and rights, without avenging them?  We have no time to comment: every man will make his own.  Let it be made with powder and ball." (How interesting that no mention is acknowledged of the same exact atrocities against the Saints in Missouri)
Joseph mailed an express copy of the letter to Gov. Ford, that he previously wrote explaining his decision to destroy the press and how he had legally gone about it. ( Again, Gov. Ford later claimed that he never received either of  these letters.)

Monday, June 10, 2013

The "Martyrdom Trail"

This is a very sobering time here in Nauvoo.  I noticed the other day that the calendar of June, 2013 coincides exactly with June 1844, except in 1844 it had 31 days. With this as an easy way of relating to that time period, I thought I would recite a few events that ocurred then, that happened on the same day of the week that we are experiencing in 2013, as we approach the mortal end of the greatest Prophet that ever lived on the face of this earth.
During his time in Liberty jail, when he was in dispair, Joseph was given to know that his enemies would have no power to take his life for at least 5 years. That time period was up at the end of 1843.
He knew now that the events now taking place would culminate in his personal sacrifice for the sealing of his testimony.
Last Friday, June 7, 1844 the first and only paper of the Expositor came off the press in its print shop on Mulholland St. two blocks east of the Temple, (which the outside walls were finished up to the row of circular windows).
On Saturday June 8, the City Council with Joseph in his capacity as Mayor, met for 6 hours  pouring over their options, using Blackstone' Law Dictionary, the Illinois Constitution and the Nauvoo Charter (which by the way, was supported in the state legislature a few years earlier by Abraham Lincoln)  trying to come up with the best plan to stay within the Law in dealing with this situation.
Sunday June 9th, Joseph was speaking in Church Services in the Grove.
Monday, (today) June 10, the City Council again met for 6 hours.  The Mayor, alderman, and members of the city council were all given time to freely express themselves.
Joseph stated:  "The conduct of such men and such papers are calculated to destroy the peace of the city, and it is not safe that such things should exist, on account of the mob spirit which they tend to produce.. . . . What the opposition party wants is to raise a mob on us and take the spoil from us, as they did in Missouri. I would rather die tomorrow and have the thing (the expositor) smashed, that live and have it go on. . ."
Alderman Orson Spencer stated:  "I do not consider it wise to give them the time to trumpet a thousand lies.. . . .   If we pass only a fine or imprisonment, have we any confidence that they will desist?  None at all"
Council member Hyrum Smith stated:  "The best way is to smash the press and pi  (meaning completely disorganizing the small letters of type) the the type"
The whole City Council voted to do just that., and commissioned the City Marshal to do it.
At about 8 pm, (tonight), Marshal Green will return to report to the Mayor that the order had been carried out. What happened was that the Marshal met with resistance from those inside when he tried to enter the building, whereupon the Marshal stepped aside and "Porter Rockwell kicked the door in.  The press was destroyed and the newspapers burned in the street in an orderly manner and without a ruckus".
Joseph then called a meeting at his own house this evening after 8 pm. (While Sis. Ririe and I will be performing in the Sunset by the Mississippi production and then watching the production by the BYU Folk Dancers with our investigator Anne),  He will announce that he had met the crises in a way that he felt could be defended in a court of law.  It had also focused the blame on himself, thereby denying the mobs the excuse they needed for coming upon the city. He also told the people that God showed him in an open vision in daylight that if he did not destroy the press it would cause the blood of the Saints to flow in the streets.
He also will write a letter to Gov. Ford deliniating all of the above legal proceedings, (which by the way, Gov. Ford will deny ever receiving such letter).

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Giraud-Carrier Family visit to Nauvoo

Pierre GC at the pulpit in the Seventy's Hall

What a treat it was to have the GC's come for a visit to Nauvoo!  The Seventy's hall is still in use today for missionary work and meetings with General Authorities...It was the first MTC!  Pierre shared his testimony of missionary work..they are truly a missionary family and we were blessed to have them here, along with Isabelle's parents from France.  A senior missionary from here, who is a teamster, took them on their own special wagon tour in French..he served his mission 40 years ago to Quebec, Canada, which is also where Samuel is serving...speaking Chinese!!? Go figure!  Elder Lybbert (who was the Sr. missionary) said he was blessed with the gift of tongues...since he hasn't spoken that much since his mission!...Kind of special for all of them.  They stayed in a historic home right on main street...I think they found out about it from the Taggart' convenient to everything! 

Look at that spectacular rainbow over the temple...we took the picture from Sarah Granger Kimball's home and it is quite a ways from the temple, but what a sight!

        Same day after the rainbow disappeared ...Isn't that glorious?...This is such a beautiful place!  We do love it here.  Got some exciting news from Annie Kozlowski ( my college roommate) is coming for a wedding here in Nauvoo! in July....Will be fun to have her for a few days!  Hoping to see some of you this summer ...please know you are welcome to stay with us...(in our small, humble, basement apartment)..but we have a pull out couch and plenty of floor space.(and we can get a areo bed)...
       The BYU Folk dancers are here for two weeks and they put on a fireside tonight that was amazing!  Such strong testimonies and wonderful talents..There is a girl from Pleasant Grove who plays the fiddle for Mountain Strings, who are here with the Folk Dancers...She shreds the fiddle like no other...if you ever get to hear them...don't miss it...what a group.  Life is busy, but we love it. The Spirit here is so strong...Joseph consecrated this place, so that explains alot. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a perfect answer for the problems plaguing this world today...We just need to open our hearts to hear, listen, and feel...and be willing to follow His perfect plan...We love you all...Elder and Sister Ririe!