Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Today, Tuesday, June 18, 1844
Joseph Smith, acting in his official capacity as Lt. General of the Nauvoo Legion decided that the best way to avoid a confrontation of the planned attack on the city, was to demonstrate a "show of force", hoping that spies from the mobs would see it and think twice about coming against the city tomorrow.
Today, he assembled the entire Nauvoo Legion, some 3,000, in full uniform on the block across the street from the Mansion house.  He stood on some scaffolding and address the troops for an hour and a half, saying among other things: "Greater love hath no man than that he should lay down his life for his friends.  You have stood by me in the hour of trouble, and I am willing to sacrifice my life for your preservation."

Today, Tuesday, June 18, 2013
This was a special day. Vibeka Hansen, the mother of our investigator, was baptized in Denmark in April.  While here in Nauvoo she has wanted to do baptisms for the dead but didn't know how to go about it. She was walking down the street near the Temple the other day and the Stake President drove past her and recognized her as the lady he had seen at Church last Sunday, and the Spirit told him to stop and talk to her. He pulled over and talked to her and found out of her desire to do baptisms, before she goes back to Denmark this week.  He took her and called her Bishop in Denmark on the phone, and told her he would have her recommend at the Temple Desk today.  Sis. Ririe got off her shift in "tickets and tours" a little early and picked her up at her home and she told her of this experience. Dubiously, she took her to the Temple and sure enough, there was her recommend for baptisms at the Recommend Desk. They went in and performed several baptisms. Wonderful things continue to happen here! We then had her and her daughter, Anne over for dinner.

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