Saturday, June 15, 2013

Preparation Day Experience (Once in a Mission)

Many of you might know Vicki Williamson...these pictures are of her, her Mother and two girls...Aren't they beautiful women?! We were able to share a very special experience with them on Friday.  Her husband passed away a few years ago in a tragic accident.  She has been preparing for a long time to have the sealing done for her to her husband...she and her husband had a very special connection with she wanted the sealing to be done here in the temple....we were privileged to attend the sealing and Craig was able to serve as proxy for her husband...we felt so honored that they would include us!...Thanks to Joyce Huntsman and Heidi Woahn were were able to make that connection and be a part of this special 

From the steps of the Temple, with the statues of Joseph and Hyrum in the background...and the mighty Missippi!

We get to do a variety of things here in Nauvoo..On Monday I worked for FM  (facilities management) in the gardens!..We are filthy, but we had so much fun cutting back chives...we are holding bouquets of chives with their purple blossoms....I couldn't get the onion small out of my hands for 5 days! (you know Craig hated that!)  That trailer is full of chives from the herb garden next to the Lyon Drug.

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank you both for taking your day off to go to the temple with me . You'll never know how how much that ment to me to have Craig stand in for my dear John . It all turned out perfect it was just as John and I would have done it If he was still with me. Nauvoo ment alot to both of us as we were their Nov. 1st the day they started excavating the original foundation. We knew we were walking in a very sacard place. A place that both his and my ansesters helped build and had to leave behind. I feel very honored to have met the two of you . You are both amazing people I feel blessed that you came into my life through tender mercies. Thank you for the wonderful dinner we all thand you it was the best ever!
    My daughter Kristen works in Provo and was able to return the young mans wallet to him after he ansered his phone after 4 calls. He never even knew it was missing until he arived in Provo. Every one was happy!!!!!
    Sorry it took me so long to write but as soon as I got home my new daughter in laws 33 family memembers came to Utah for her wedding from New Jersey and New Hampshire. Some staying with me some with my son in the new home he'ld just built in Ceder Hills and the rest with Debbie in the town home she ownes and rents to girls in Orem. It was empty for the summer months. Everything was pretty crazy for a few weeks. They went to Cancoon for 5 days whail her family traveled around Utah. They all left the day after J.J. and Debbie returned home. Now I hope to get back to my old rutine. Today I bore my testimony and told about my wonderful experience in Nauvoo and the amazing missionarys that came into my life.

    Take care, Love Vicki Williamson
    I hope to be at your homecoming to here about your mission. Some day I hope to be able to serve in the same mission. Thats a dream of mine.
