Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Tuesday, June 25, 1844
The "legal charades" began.
Sunrise, Gov. Ford assembled all the various militias in the town square, 2 blocks from the Carthage jail.
He had called up 7 or 8 of the town militias from the surrounding area.  Most of them were "indifferent" about the situation, i.e. they were curious, but not committed in hatred towards the Mormons, and were perhaps to be considered "loyal" to their leaders, who seemed to be interested in defending true justice, whatever that was.  The Carthage Grays were pure "trash" led by Captain Robert F. Smith, who was also the Justice of the Peace in Carthage and was a true accomplice to Gov. Ford in this matter.  The Warsaw militia was composed almost entirely of the most vicious of the mobs against the Mormons, stirred up continuously by Thomas Sharp, editor of the Warsaw Signal. The Warsaw militia was so disorganized and undisciplined that they weren't yet in Carthage, perhaps at Gov. Ford's request(?).
Gov. Ford announce to all present that Joseph and Hyrum were "dangerous men and guilty of all that would be charged against them, still they were in the hands of the law, which must have its course."
(The Gov. now acted as judge and jury and before the week was over would play his part as executioner as well.)
9 a.m. Joseph and all the 24 accused were paraded before the militia.
Then some of the officers of the various militias interviewed Joseph in the Hamilton House, which is a very interesting meeting but too lengthy for here.
Late afternoon was held the first hearing (for a "riot" in the case of the Expositor )  in the Courthouse, which was a "farce". It was supposed to be under the Justice that issued the original order, a judge Morrison of Carthage, but at the last minute Gov. Ford replaced him with none other than Robert F. Smith, the most virulent Mormon hater. They did release all but Joseph and Hyrum, who were charged again by Robert Smith on a treason charge. and demanded they be "violently put in jail immediately".  Gov. Ford and Robert Smith left the room immediately...John Taylor was so outraged that he almost chased Gov. Ford into his quarters, giving him a legal tongue lashing, due of his setting aside of all legal protocol.
About 10 stayed with Joseph in jail.
They were first put into the criminals cell at the top of the stairway.
After a very short time the jailor, George Stigall compassionately  disregarded the sheriff's order and moved them downstairs to the debtors apartment.
The ten men spent the night there.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Becky and I attended the Temple this morning, before our service today at the Family Living Center and the Brigham Young Home.

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