Saturday, June 15, 2013

Martyrdom (cont.)

Friday, June 14, 1844 ---Friday, June 14, 2013
Tom Sharp published this in his Warsaw Signal today:  ". . .we must resolutely carry the war into the enemy's camp, we hold ourselves in readiness to cooperate with our fellow citizens in this state, Missouri and Iowa to exterminate, utterly exterminate, the wicked and abominable Mormon leaders. . ."
This is, after all, what the anti-Mormons were really hoping for: expel the Mormons from the state and confiscate all their property.
Sharp further published:  "We are informed by gentlemen direct from Carthage that the citizens are ordered to assemble at their various places of rendezvous on Wednesday next."
The Alton Illinois Telegraph posted this note of the planned attack,  "Our latest intelligence from Nauvoo is down to Tuesday evening. It is reported that about one thousand persons were assembled, in arms, at Carthage and Warsaw, and designed  making an attack upon Nauvoo on Wednesday."

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