Monday, April 15, 2013

Beautiful Nauvoo

                                            We had a special experience in the Nauvoo Temple!

    Actually it started in the Lyon Drug where I was serving with Sister Monney.  The door opened and a darling couple, maybe a little younger than us, came in for a tour.  When she saw Sister Monney, she said "Oh I can't believe it!  I found you!"  She had met a younger sister Monney in the Atlanta LDS Distribution Center where she was buying a dress for her sealing to her husband in the Nauvoo Temple.  The girl said she hoped that she could find her anut and uncle who were serving there...This was the second site she had visited and it is amazing she found her because there are about 30 different sites she could have been in.
    We had a great visit and she told us her story about joining the church and finding her husband...They were both divorced and were single for many years...she was a teacher and one day she was sitting at her computer during her prep time and typed her prayer...That is a little different, but she said she often does that because she is at her computer all day, and prays she types her prayers and sits quietly waiting for the first thought that comes into her mind...Then she types that!!  Wow!  I thought that was pretty interesting!  The thought that came to her was that she should be patient, the Lord was preparing a special man for her, worthy and in a leadership position in the church...She printed that off and carried it with her in her purse.
     Through a series of little miracles they met...she knew the first time she met him, he was the man the Lord prepared...and her prayer was answered just the way she felt....he wasn't ready to marry when she first prayed, he was worthy and was in a Bishopric at the time!  God works in mysterious ways..He loves us and wants to answer our prayers...We just need to ask and be faithful...soooo the rest of the story..
      They invited us to the Temple sealing, they had no children with them, no family or friends to be with them.  Sister Monney and I wanted to make it special for them, so we went with our husbands, who were the witnesses, we had a little dinner for them after the temple and gave them some little gifts to remember Nauvoo and their special day!..This was a once in a mission experience to meet a visitor, a stranger, and get to share a very sacred time with them.  We are now connected!  They were grateful to have a Nauvoo family!  Every day we are grateful for the amazing Spirit that is here.  I want to remember their names.
                                                        Cherie Martin and David Legg

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