Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Serving at the Heber C. Kimball

          Sunday, Craig and I served together at the Heber C. Kimball home.  This was the first property restored in old Nauvoo.  It was actually purchased by J. Leroy Kimball, the great grandson of Heber.  He was doing this in honor of his great grandfather, but as he was working to restore it, people would drop by and ask to see it...there was great interest in old historic sites, so he contacted the church and that was  the beginning of the restoration of Nauvoo...around 1962!  We love the feeling of serving where people lived and walked through these rooms.  The Kimballs only lived in this beautiful home 4 months when they were forced out in the winter of 1846....They sold their home for 675.00....a pittance of what is was worth....left it in new condition,( because Brigham Young said in honor of Joseph they should leave things in the best condition) even with furniture..they couldn't take much in a 3x11, it was with great sacrifice that they went forth into the unknown, by faith....We can learn so much from those who knew real sacrifice....what would I do?   Heber was lucky, as most just closed the door and walked away from their beautiful Nauvoo, not getting a penny for their property and work.  What a marvelous heritage we have of faithful saints in Nauvoo!


  1. Mike and I are so enjoying your mission to Nauvoo! Was wondering if you could take a picture of any pioneer kitchen areas..I am teaching the DUP lesson in May and it is all about Pioneer Kitchens. Also, would love a picture of the Ezra TAft Benson lot...I don't think there is a home. Not that you don't have much to do except take pics...if you have time. Love you for your service..we miss you.

  2. I will do that Adrienne! Tomorrow I have preparation day, so I can take a few pictures and track down Ezra Taft Benson's lot...I love a little detective work! How's are you doing? Remind me what your calling is now...? How is Mike? You can email me at you all Love, Becky

  3. Ah! Look how cute you are! You look right at home!
