Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello Nauvoo!

We have arrived in Nauvoo! We can't believe it...had a great drive out with no problems! Got to visit with Kendall and Theron's families...Wow, how their kids are growing up...we loved every minute....(and believe me it was only minutes) Our MTC experience was so great...We felt that it must be the way Zion must feel...everyone of one heart and one mind and even one focus! But when we arrived here, we feel the same way..We went to Church today and it was amazing! It seemed so strange to have "absolute reverence", no children at all. The talks and music was an Easter program. What a strong spirit! The mission presidency spoke and the "Ward" choir sounds like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir---beautiful! For Priesthood and Relief Society, we use the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith instead of Lorenzo Snow, since nearly all of what is in the Joseph Smith text was given by him right here in Nauvoo. How humbling to be studying his words and look out the window and see right where he said it. (the "grove" where he usually gave his talks is just south of the Chapel and Visitors Center where we have our Church meetings.)
We are going to try and set up a blog, so we can have a journal so to speak, and we can put pictures on it...we'll see if we can do it...The Hansen's are going to help us today ...maybe! Our little home is on Parley Street...just up a little hill in a forested area--very peaceful! We have room for you to come visit...A pull out couch and a big livingroom floor! We have dishers for 8! but we can use paper if you all come...Out our window is a big grassy hill, where wild turkeys and deer come now and then..It is actually beautiful...although it did snow or should I say is still snowing! A few inches so far.
We went to Carthage yesterday and visited the jail where the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred..Very moving. It is one of the few jails that are still standing from the 1840s..It is still here because the story needs to be told.... The hole is still in the door from the bullet that killed Hyrum, his brother..When the mob blasted into the room they shot the prophet point blank and he fell out of the window. He sealed his testimony with his own blood...He never waivered...He truly was the prophet who restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ... This is an amazing place where history took place. We are loving it here....We are realizing how much we love our family and need you too.  
 The picture below is looking west through the temple at Nauvoo and the Mississippi in the distance.

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