Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Blacksmith Shop

      Today I was assigned to work with Elder Ward.  This is his third mission to Nauvoo.  He is the site leader for the blacksmith shop.  He was a" blacksmith" in his early years, making things on his farm in Malad, Idaho, growing up many years ago.  He is a very spiritual man. Today we had a nonmember come through on a tour who was not very receptive, but was quite pensive as we bore testimony  and challenged those in the tour to put themselves in the place of these early saints as they were literally pushed into the Mississippi river in summer of 1846, with only the clothes on their backs with the taunting from the mobs that they could get back on land alive, and would be left alone, if they rejected their membership in the Church.  If not, they had to continue across the river never to return or they would be killed. What would you do?  Elder Ward then said: I know what you would do.  You would do the same thing that I would do!  Because you like I, KNOW  that Joseph Smith WAS A PROPHET OF GOD, and that God also knows that, and you would get in the skiffs that were ferrying the survivors of the "battle of Nauvoo to Montrose and an unknown future, but with complete trust in God and His unseen angels for protection.
My, how we love this sacred place.  This is truly the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. What a great story to go with a great picture! You look right at home in that blacksmith shop.

  2. What a powerful testimony...I'm sure the nonmember felt something. I don't see how anyone who spends a few days or even hours in Nauvoo can't help but feel the tremendous spirit that lives there. Thank you for sharing your experiences! I love reading them.
