Sunday, April 28, 2013


Magnolia petals covering our driveway and patio!  Beautiful almost as thick as snow.

Craig in his Stage costume...a little musical called Rendezvous

We have 2 huge magnolia trees in front of our home...(Little basement apartment) and a beautiful grassy field in front the size of two soccer fact I can see our grandkids playing soccer and having a blast!

Magnolias are amazing!  Huge blossoms and the leaves come out later!

Home Sweet Home!  We love it here!...We are the basement apartment.
Sunday afternoon after serving in the Brickyard after church...Had a great experience today!
Inside of our apartment...Lots of floor space and a couch that pulls out...So you are welcome to come visit!!

Two recliners...mama bear and papa bear...Ha Ha!

Bedroom, laundry room and bath...cozy!  

This is a sample of how missionaries live here in Nauvoo...Those who are in historic homes deal with lots of steep stairs and small we feel we have the best of all worlds...lovely view and surroundings...with privacy and just on the east edge of old  Nauvoo...we live on Parley street which is historic in itself....It is so great to learn to live with less....we have all we need of temporal things...It is very freeing to not have stuff!  I bet the missionaries (young single missionaries) totally get it....everything they own fits in two suitcases.  We had our young sister missionaries arrive last week and they are so fun..They bring energy and spirit!  They are so disciplined...and so sweet!  In a few weeks we get the Young performing missionaries and soon the Pageant folks come to town...our ward will be about 600 by then..Whew!  Craig and I have been asked to teach a Sunday school lesson each...his on the 19th of May and mine on the 26th!  Yikes...they rotate teaching all around the missionaries...I'm teaching the Plan of Salvation and Craig is teaching about the establishment of the Kirtland temple.... We are a little nervous about teaching a SS class of 400 missionaries...who it seems to us could all be general authorities...Spiritual giants!  So we are growing each day and studying alot...feel so humble to be serving here.  We feel the strength of our children's prayers in our behalf ...Thank you and we love you so fact I have tears puddling in my eyes as I type.. Love you all!

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